Guru Das Srinagesh

Nand2Tetris - Projects 4 to 5

28 Aug 2024

Continuing from where I left off in my Nand2Tetris journey, I went ahead and completed Projects 4 (Machine Language) and Project 5 (Computer Architecture) and I now have "built" my very own Hack computer from scratch!

Follow my progress on Github here: guru-das-s/nand2tetris.

Project 4: Machine Language

This project introduces the Hack instruction set architecture (ISA) and assembly language corresponding to the Hack computer we're building, and tasks the student with writing two programs that provide a good understanding and feel for the platform.

The first program, Mult.asm is quite straightforward - to multiply two numbers.

The second program, Fill.asm has a particularly satisfying end result - to turn the screen in the CPU Emulator completely black or white based on keyboard input.

I haven't written a lot of assembly code, so it was very gratifying to reason about a problem in terms of assembly and write code while conforming to the constraints of the ISA.

Project 5: Computer Architecture

This is the first big project in the course according to me, and the most climactic so far, as we progressively build:

  1. a Memory unit from the RAM chips built earlier,
  2. a CPU from the ALU built earlier,

and finally wire them both together along with a ROM unit (separate instruction and data memories), thus creating a full-fledged Hack computer that can load and execute any arbitrary program!

The textbook chapter says it best:

The computer that will emerge from this project will be as simple as possible, but not simpler.

It's true - this computer does not have fancy stuff like pipelining, or branch predictors or caches of any kind. It also implements the Harvard architecture - separate instruction and data memories instead of the Von Neumann architecture model.

The Memory unit

The memory unit consists of a 16K RAM, a memory-mapped screen, and a memory-mapped keyboard all laid out adjacent to each other with no holes.


This is the crux of the whole project - decoding an instruction from its bits and figuring out what action needs to take place for it. To that end, various bits and bitfields of the instruction encode specific pieces of information, like the type of ALU operation that needs to take place, where to store the results of the operation, and what kind of jump is requested.

The challenge in this part of the project is to route various bits and bitfields of the 16-bit instruction to the A, D and PC registers and implement the hardware-software contract.

There are a couple of gotchas that make things interesting when testing the code using the provided tests. I caught one edge case only when running the test for the next part of the project, i.e. building the Computer.

DMux8Way saved my ass in both the Memory and CPU parts of this project. It took me a while to recognize that the logic for powering the jump detection could easily make use of this building block - a side effect of not being a hardware guy, I suppose.

The Computer

After the rigours of the CPU design part of the project, this turned out to be relatively straightforward. Just three lines of code wiring the ROM, RAM and CPU together.

Looking ahead

The next project, Project 6, is to build an assembler that converts Hack assembly code into binary. I've not attempted something of this nature before, and am really excited about this!

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