Guru Das Srinagesh


This is a /now page.

Last Updated: Fri May 31 09:20:37 AM PDT 2024

⚒️ I'm working on solving the projects from the first part of the wonderful NAND2Tetris course. I've made progress from the last update posted here, and I'm now on Project 5 - building the actual computer using the RAM and ALU chips built earlier.

📖 I have been reading Frank Herbert's Dune series on my wife's Kindle ever since I watched Denis Villeneuve's movie adaptation (both parts). It's been slow going but it's an essential part of my lunchtime routine at work. My lunch carry bag has a side flap that the Kindle fits neatly into, so it's perfect.

⚡ I'm experiencing an awakening of sorts and realizing I've been on autopilot for many years - both at work as well as in life. I am working on making some changes to align myself more with my true feelings and stop living in fear so much.

🤖 Website stuff: Been getting some impressions and clicks on my most recent Nand2Tetris blog post. I don't specifically do any promotion of my posts except for posting on LinkedIn, so it's interesting to see some organic traffic to my blog, paltry though it may be.

🫂 Ever since I moved to the Bay Area, my social life has improved tremendously, in great part thanks to my wife's social circles. This feels good.

🦉 I've quit Duolingo Latin out of spite for the green bird and its nagging. I hit a 100 day streak (with many streak freezes) and that's when I had enough. I deleted the widget and never looked back. I may still give it a chance, but only if I can somehow get it to stop sending me so many notifications.

🏋🏾 Still working on developing a daily routine involving some physical exercise, meals at the "proper" times, and adequate sleep at the end of the day.